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Hello, I am


Blockchain Product Manager & Product Communication | Web3, DAO, DeFi & NFT |

Who am I ?

A Blockchain Product Manager & Product Communication. In love with DAO, DeFi, NFTs & Web3 in general.

Specialized in Management with particular attention to techno-economic aspects especially the use of EVM. Blockchain, Web3 & DeFi daily user. I’m able to quickly and efficiently understand the operational logic of IT systems.

Personal Info

  • Nationality : Italian 🇮🇹
  • Year of birt : 1994
  • Place of work : 100% remote but willing to travel out of necessity

My Expertise

Blockchain / Web3 PM

Comfortable managing resources and product growth.

Blockchain / Web3 Product Communication

Thanks to my complete understanding of technology, I can be an excellent communication bridge to the outside world.

Blockchain / Web3 Consultant

Given my experiences I am an excellent resource as an external consultant.

My Resume

Download my .pdf CV HERE. [It may not be updated]

Work / Projects


Product manager - [08/2023 → Present]

• Full Time

Leverage our DeFi middleware infrastructure to combine core DeFi building blocks to easily create, manage, and discover any primitive.

Gruppo Activa

Product manager - [08/2023 → Present]

• Full Time


Elite Councilor - [02/2023 → 12/2023]

• DAO Role

1/5 minds of the council elected by the Community (token holders) that is in charge of acting as a spokesperson for the wishes of the community in the management of the #DAO itself and Kwenta Protocol.


Kwenta Grants Councilor - [02/2023 → 06/2023]

1/3 minds of the Stand alone SubDAO Funding Kwenta related community & public goods projects.


Country Lead & The300 Member → [06/2022 - Present]

• Community/Autonomous Role

Manage the community and the Italian communication of the Synthetix protocol.


Product Management Advisor - [03/2023 → 07/2023]


Business Developer - [03/2023 → 07/2023]

• Part Time

Customer relationship management and the search for the best business opportunities.


DAO contributor - [03/2023 → 07/2023]

• Community/Autonomous Role


Product Manager - [03/2021 → 03/2023]

• Full time

Multi-product DeFi Umbrella with the ambition to become a fully decentralized DAO.


Co-Founder - [03/2022]

Mobile shopping assistant application that shows the best offers on different marketplaces. A revolutionary crypto off ramp web3 marketplace is being worked on.

Blockchain technology Consultant

01/2020 → Present

Private Consultations and/or lessons along with a working group led by me.


Product Content Manager - [07/2021 → 03/2022]

Copy trading DeFi platform with the ambition to become a fully decentralized DAO.


Editor - [11/2020 → 07/2021]

Blog of articles related to the Blockchain, DeFi, NFTs and Cryptocurrencies space.




Master’s Degree course in Management at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (IT)

Achieved on 29/10/2021

Special attention to digitization and automation systems, legal aspects, product management, and problem-solving for 4.0 companies.
“DAO, Supranational Corporate Governance Model”.
Degree score of 110/110 cum Laude

Erasmus+ at St. KLiment Sofia University of Sofia (BG)

02/2020 → 07/2020

"Blockchain Developer" course at Start2Impact

09/2020 → 03/2021

Blockchain Business at Dalian University of Technology (CN). Programming blockchain + Chinese language

09/2019 → 12/2019

Bachelor’s degree in Economics at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (IT)

Achieved on 29/01/2020

Dissertation: ‘Blockchain to support the internationalization of SMEs’.


Scrum and Agile PM
Office 365
Digital Tools (Notion, Miro, Trello, Google Drive, Slack, Confluence)
Coding (Js, CSS, Html, Python, R, Solidity)
OS: MacOs, Win, Linux (Ubuntu)



+ ∞

Hours Worked

+ 10

Project Finished


Happy Clients

+ 2k

Coffee Drinked

My Services

Product Management

I bring added value through my skills as a problem solver, innovative solutions and Agile management of the development team. Thanks to my knowledge I am active on all sides giving support and proactivity to the team (FE, BE, SC, QA, UAT)

Project Management

I Manage entire projects, from the developer side through to communication, marketing campaigns, business development opportunities and much more..

Blockchcain Bussiness Consultant

External manager with extensive industry knowledge able to guide the team towards the right path, the right choices and partnerships. Helping to compose Tokenomics, whitepapers, documentation, business model, company structure, etc.

DeFi & Web3 Consultant

Web3 and DeFi consultant, who through his 8+ experience in the use of blockchain can teach the use of the technology, self custody of funds, use of wallets, use of decentralised protocols and smartcontract etc.

Product Communication Manager

Thanks to my excellent understanding of technology I offer a great ability to communicate my products externally, managing human resources such as Copywriters, Graphic designers, Video makers, Social Media Managers, ADV managers etc.

Blockchain, DeFi & Web3 teacher

Private or group lessons in Blockchaine technology and all its annexes.

My Portfolio

Select a Section to see projects:

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Download free bootstrap 4 admin dashboard, free boootstrap 4 templates

GrantsDAO, funding related community & public goods projects.

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Kwentize PFP customiser!

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Synthetix Italia Italian Offiacial Community!

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Dao managed EVM wallet!

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Multi-product DeFi Umbrella with the ambition to become a fully decentralized DAO!

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Jigstack Staking e Governance Platform!

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Web3 Launchpad, Initial Dex Offering platform.

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Copytrading DeFi platform, DAO managed!

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Free online shopping assistant with in progress web3 implementation!

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Premium NFTs marketplace!

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EVM crypto gifting!